engine timing out

I have had no problems ever using Avast! (installed 10-12-2007 ) for mac until yesterday, when the engine simply timed out i.e the normal message " waiting for engine (time)" appears and starts from 0:00 and goes to 2:40 for example then resets to 0:00 , reset times are not even a constant and vary. All controls are greyed out except virus chest and prefs.

nothing seems to be working, certainly no inserted media being scanned, not o sure about emails, although they are appearing yellow i.e not scanned… but avast dialog box does appear when incoming emails arrive

clicking on menu bar : about avast : gives : version 2.74R0 (service kit 1.41)
clicking on menu bar : license : gives : current license expires : unknown even though new licence purchased and installed last november.
mac running : OSX 10.4.11 … (so upgrading to Ver 6 not an option)

Any help apprecited. thanks.

UPDATE : after 8 hours a message popped up " engine unavailable " reinstall
OK so can support guide me through this procedure please? many thanks.

latest version, compatible with 10.4, was the 3.11. It’s still available here: http://public.avast.com/~cimbal/avast.3.11.zip

The flaw with badly indicated installation time should be fixed there.


uninstalled old version, re-installed updated version, inserted licence , fine all looked fine. Avast booted up the old virus definition set, then went in search of the latest virus definitions, it displayed a few different web addresses such as httpgetwinsoc(http://174…/IAVS4X…)
then flashed up a few more addresses and then gave up leaving a message similar to : filed deleted= 0 files changed= 0 … then last message :
NEWVPS : reloading & the clock spins and keeps spinning indefinately, it is unable to a.) source the latest virus definitions or is unable to reload them.

so basically by upgrading the software as advised the problem still persists, just now it gives you a few more messages.
to an insult to injury, the UK helpline appears to be unmanned. but you do get some very annoying music. i,e customer support = 0

PLEASE AVAST help needed on this, or I simply ask for my licence fee back.

Have you tried manually updating the VPS? You can download the file here: www.avast.com/files/latest/400.vps then quit the application and replace the 400.vps file in the .app with the one you downloaded.