ADMN is installed on a windows 2003 server; the VPS version is up-to-date on all the computers on the network, but the engine version is not, I had to go from computer to computer to update the program by going to Tools \Update\Program update.
Is there anything I need to configure on ADMN to update the engine version on the workstations?
At first, see mirror state in ADNM console (menu View, See state AMS mirror) You can see downloaded managed clients version in mirror. When your clients are lower version as in AMS, you have to set actualization task. It is not necessary run from client to client…
As best practise I recommend set dynamic group of computers with lower engine then maximal value (condition “agent version =!MAX” and “Avast Netclient installed =1”), named f.e. “Nonactual stations”. Then you can target your actualization task only to needed computers …
Help with what? Installation/actualization task?
Target this task on first one or two computers as test, and than you can target this task into dynamic group.