Weet iemand een oplossing voor het navolgende probleem wat ineens sinds gisteren is ontstaan.
Taak - ontvangen… rapporteert fout (0x800CCC0F: De verbinding met de server is onderbroken. Als het probleem blijft bestaan…enz. De reactie van de server was: -ERR concurrent connection limit in Avast exceeded(pass:0,processes:OUTLOOK.EXE[50])
Taak - ontvangen… rapporteert fout (0x800CCC0F: De verbinding met de server is onderbroken. Als het probleem blijft bestaan…enz. De reactie van de server was: -ERR concurrent connection limit in Avast exceeded(pass:0,processes:OUTLOOK.EXE[50])
Outlook.exe is using up all of the default number of concurrent connections.
Are you using MS Outlook as your email client and are you also browsing newsgroups ?
Concurrent Connections Error: You could modify the EmailShield.ini file using notepad, C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\EmailShield.ini (Win7 or later), this location may be hidden, depending on your windows explorer settings (Explorer > Tools > Folder Options > View)
Find the [EmailScanner] section and insert a new line after the section heading, and enter this MaxConnections=75 (if that line exists you can change the value to 75). Save the changes, the avast self-defence will ask if it is OK answer yes.
The default concurrent connection limit is 50 (for mail & news together). This limit exists not to save resources, but to prevent connection looping in strange configurations, so the user can increase it without worry to, for instance, 75. The value 0 disables the limit.