erro message

Can you help? I get the message Updater Service-Updater.exe-Application Error and the “The instruction at “0x7c954891” referenced memory at “0x00000010” referenced could not be “read”. Click on OK to terminate the program.” And then my computer freezes up. What can I do? Thanks for your help.

Is this a blue screen Stop 0x00000010 ?

I don’t know, but at one time here lately it said something about “recovered from blue screen” I took it in to the repair shop, but I’m still have trouble with this "0x7c954891"error message and then it freezes. Thanks so much.

Looks like a startnow toolbar

Download AdwCleaner from here to your desktop
Run AdwCleaner and select Delete

Once done it will ask to reboot, allow this
On reboot a log will be produced please attach that

Have done as you advised. Will let you know. Bless you for your help!

Ah I was wrong it was funmoods… Let me know if the error continues

I no longer get the message, but computer still freezes up.

Does it freeze at any particular time i.e. when you are running a certain programme, or after the system has been on for a while ?

After the system has been on a while.

My computer just restarted itself with the following message: "The system has recovered from a serious error.

Error Signature:
BCCode: 10000050
BCP2: 00000000
BCP3: 805BB49E
BCP4: 00000002
OSVER: 5_1_2600
SP: 3_0
Product: 768_1

Error Reports Contents"

C:/Docume~1\User\Locals~1\Temp\WER2ba5.dirod Mini091312-01dmp
C:\Docume~1\User\Locals~\Temp\WER2ba5.dirod \sysdata.xml

and something about a blue screen stop error

Do you have some minidump files at C:\windows\minidumps ?

If so could you zip the last three of four and upload thenm to a file sharing site for me to look at

Sorry, I found the files, but don’t know how to zip and share files.

Do you have dropbox ?

Copy the mindump files to the desktop
Right click one and select Send to…
Select compressed folder
That will now appear on your desktop
Open the folder and then drag and drop the other mindumps to that folder Mediafire is a file sharing site … I will just need the sahring link

ok…I think I was able to do it…

Were you able to upload ? If so could you post the sharing link

Not sure how to post it.

Somewhere on the page (normally to the right ) is a link called sharing or share this file. Just copy and paste that