I have just installed McAFEE spamkillr 2004 ver.5.0 and now when I reboot I get message ( Error 10048 ) Port 110 is already in use
specify another port value.
I am using Outlook Express and Windows XP Home.
Does anyone know if MaCAFEE is compatible with Avast 4 Home?
Can I do something to configer Avast so it goes back to scanning
my e-mail with MaCAFFE running or am I out of luck?
I too am receiving the same message. However, I still have McAfee on my system while I’m testin Avast!. My message reads: Mail scanner warning avast! will not be able to protect outgoing mail (SMT) protocol). Error: 10048. Port 25 is already in use, specify another port value.
You both could avoid the port incompatibility changing the one used by the other programs.
Let avast at 110 for pop3 and 25 for smtp.
Change the email accounts settings and McAffe to listen, for instance, 1110 (pop3) and 135 (smtp).
You can search the forum for TCPView (an application that shows who uses which port) and the help files for ‘cooperation with another software’.