Error 1006 (000003EE) has occured, unable to install !

Morning everyone!
I’m unable to install version 7. I followed the “Avast” instructions.
At end of download process error is reported (error 1006).
OS Vista 32 bit. What do you suggest I should do?
Hepl and advice is welcome, thanks.

Follow the instuctions here

Hi Hermie,

please, could you upload dump files if u have some from c:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\ to

It could help us a lot solve this problem,

thank you very much,
Michal Vanek
avast! QA

Thanks guys for your replies!

I managed to fix the problem this morning. :slight_smile:
Everything seems to be alright.

Best regards, Hermie

Your welcome and im glad you fixed it :slight_smile:


Thanks guys for your replies!

I managed to fix the problem this morning. :slight_smile:
Everything seems to be alright.

Best regards, Hermie

Can you please tell us what you did to fix your problem so others can benefit. Thanks in adv.

It might be better if you explain what your problem is including the neccessary information about your system and we can help you from there.