error-389, can't scan files

Using windows xp home, at logon, an “error-389. a valid data link was not found” message is received. I think it is a virus. Avast 4 and Spybot are running in the background. After running a user initiated scan, 1392 files are reported as unable to scan, archive is password protected and 2 files are unable to scan, zip archive is corrupted. What should I do next. Thanks for any help.

you should be relatively safe if you are running the latest avast version with the latest virus definitions… :wink:

it’s normal to have archive files not being scanned because they are password protected…

to be sure…please try some 3rd party online scanners…

Can you post the report file here… Probably, these password files are related to Spybot and are safe… 8)

Can you send this files to analysis at ?

Thanks for your response.
Unfortuantely, I have deleted these reports, but I could generate them again with avast.
From Start, Run, Msconfig (enter) Startup tab, I find a file wstats32.exe located at Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
When I uncheck the box (remove it from start-up), the error 384 message does not appear at log on. The computer is peppier, the mouse leaps from spot to spot.
A Google search gives details of Wstat32.exe aka Back/IRC.LoonbotA. Symantec has a securty response for wstat32.exe, but not for wstats32.exe.
Can anyone give me some advice on what to do next? Thanks for any help.

I’ve located a file, wstats32.exe, at c:\windows\system32 (40kb, application, 3/31/2004).
I tried to cut and paste it to a mail message to, but haven’t been successful. What proceedure should I follow?

Can you send the file to Chest and, from there, emailing it to Alwil Software for analysis?

Technical–Thanks for your suggestions. I’ve tried to use avast 4 to find the viruses, but it doesn’t. I do find the problem file using msconfig. When I figure out how to send you the file, I will do so. --DJ

all but two of the files are from spybot’s signatures. So maybe there are no viruses.

Oh, not to me but to them! (
I can’t analyse viruses, please, if you send the file to me I hope avast can ‘deal’ with it and I do not get infected ;D

As you can see, spybot signatures must be ‘password’ protected to not being detected as real viruses/worms. :wink: