Error 42003

Hi every body,

I have this error (42003) when I try to schedule a boot-time (it doesn’t work). Also I have another problem that it can associated with the other: My home page want to change in and even I erase the regedit files associated with this home page, the keys reappeared. I think it’s a trojan or a worm but I’m not sure. I really need help

Excuse me for my English


Hello :slight_smile:
First problem is related to VPS database and will be fixed when new VPS is out. Second one is called spyware. Use Ad-aware 6 and SpyBOT S&D to clean the mess :slight_smile:

Hi to you,

What’s a VPS database ? And for the second problem I have tried Spybot S&D but the problem is still there.

Thank’s to you


VPS is virus definition update or database if you want. With these ones you’re always up to date for new viruses.

Hm,did you tried Ad-aware 6 too?

Yes I have tried Ad-aware 6 pro too, but nothing change. I think it’s a new problem (maybe it appear since 3 or least days ago)


To All,

Spybot S and D (Search and Destroy) is very effective at correcting Home Page hijacking.
Once you run the Spybot scan, and have removed the offending spyware, go into the settings and find the option to LOCK the Home page.
This will prevent it being changed unless you “release” it by unchecking the option.

The bug in the Boot Scan will not be corrected until the next program update sometime this week.

Need any more help, let me know.

I think the next ‘major’ update (build) will correct this (not only the virus database VPS)

If all else fails, do a google search for cwshredder and try that.

Hope this helps & you git it fixed! :slight_smile: