Error code Description *0XC004D401* *The security processor reported a s

I keep getting a pop up with the subject error code:
Error code Description
0XC004D401 The security processor reported a system file mismatch error.
It is driving me nuts.
Windows reports it is from the virus program, I am using Avast 6.0
Can someone please tell me how to STOP this from happening?
My Thanks

this bug is already fixed and new program update will be available next week
the problem should be present only in Vista SP1 (so updating to Vista SP2 would fix it as well)


Will this update also fix some of the issues of the Sandbox that were mentioned last week, or do we have to walt for Avast! 7 ???

Greetz, Red.

I lost track of those bugs - v6 program update should fix only significant bugs (as for sandbox/behav.shield), new sandbox features should be available in v7


Maybe Ondrej’s wife can tell us more ;D

Greetz, Red.