Error Code

When I tried deleting a couple of files, I got the error code 42060? Can anyone tell me what this means?
Any info would be appreciated. Thanks

It means: File was not repaired - because it was a trojan or a worm, so delete those files.

pk, you know, we all hate numbered error messages…
Can’t you publish a list with them? :-\

Thanks for the info PK, but what exactly does the code 42060 mean? I hate to be a pain in the butt, but, is there a list of error codes?

Isn’t it better to isolate the files and place them in the chest?
If you delete them (totally delete) they are gone and can’t be restored if needed. ???

Wiser solution! :wink:

Technical give me a star please. I got one right. :slight_smile:

I’ll give all my starts… you deserve them.
Here I’m only yellow stars ;D

I just noticed, I have as many stars as you but, I only have about one tenth of your posts…
That’s not fair, you should have a lot more stars or, they should at least be a different color or, maybe Sasha could make some special notations for some one with as many post as you.
Not only do you have a lot of posts but many of them are major projects… ;D

I’m looking for partners in these major projects… Share the ‘work’…
Who wants to participate?

Since I was never in the army ( not bt choice ), I don’t know anything about not volunteering. So, If you need some help and I can be of any service, just shout. :wink: