avast shows 16 files with the extension .msi and gives the error message “exception in standard viruses code” in the results window. what is that supposed to mean?
Pretty strange… does it happen even if you scan one of the files alone? (e.g. using the Explorer context menu scan)
If yes, can you please upload the files to ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming
Exception in standard virus code?
Well, the same question stands - is it reproducible when scanning the file alone, or maybe a few additional files, or do you have to run a full disk scan, for example? If you copy the file(s) elsewhere, is it still reproducible?
If yes, I’d certainly like to see some of the files, though I have a feeling it won’t be that easy (to reproduce).
the error did not show up when scanning each file with the context menu scan, it just appears in the results of the full scan. i copied some of the files to a folder on the desktop and scanned, but it doesnt give the error when doing that.
I’m having the same problem as well. I ran a virus scan yesterday with no errors yet tonight I ran a full system scan twice and had a dozen files that could not be scanned with the same error other people have posted, they were all .msi files. I also tried scanning a couple of the files by themselves and the scan didn’t report an error that way.
The full error code is:
Error: Exception in standard viruses code. (42104)
I also noticed that the full scan ran a lot faster too - under 30 minutes, compared to usual hour or so it usually takes. Is this happening to anyone else?
I turned off the option “Store data about scanned files in persistent cache” and ran a full scan and there were no errors at all, I turned the option back on and ran another scan and the same 12 files came back with the same error.
Do you have any recent unpXXXXX.mdmp files in
C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Application Data\Alwil Software\Avast5\Log (Win2000, XP)
C:\ProgramData\Alwil Software\Avast5\log (Vista, Win7)
One more question: when did the errors start appearing? Was it the yesterday evening’s virus database (100419-1), or was it before?
Also, is it always the “Full scan”… or is anybody with those errors running a “Quick scan”, for example, or a custom scan (in that case - with what parameters)?
For me, it was after a clean install of build 499 then upgrade to 507. I did manual updates of definitions. I first did a quick scan and all was fine. Did a boot scan and all was fine. Did an MBAM scan and all was fine. However when I did a Full System Scan, it went quicker then usual and I received at least 15 - 18 files that could not be scanned as others mentioned above.
Yesterday, I had build 507 on the machine with the previous definitions and I did not have this problem and it was prior to the auto-update during the day; the problem developed AFTER the evening update. So this may have something to do with the update. I know my machine is clean.
I also got this error when I did a full scan of my pc today. A bunch of .msi files that are from Adobe Acrobat Reader were flagged as cannot be scanned with the same error: exception in standard viruses code. (42104). The last time I did a full scan 2 days ago, these errors did not occur.
Full scan was also way faster, about half the time than usual. Something must really be wrong if Avast is scanning this fast!
Yup, virus database 100420-1 seems to have fixed the problem. No more errors when doing a full scan. Doing a full scan now also takes only 1/3 the time it used to. You guys must have given the Avast scanning engine some major update!
Hi Folks, I have this problem. It took me 2 hours stuck with my computer ( my spouse was a bit *&^%%)
I sent a ticket to Avast, quick, got the reply same day. Posted below for sharing.
Thank you for contacting ALWIL Software company with your concerns.
Some files are permanently locked by operating system, some files are
in password-protected archives and so on. These files can´t be
scanned. It´s normal and you don´t need to worry about this.
Error is trying to handle a file and temporary avast files.
Files that can’t be scanned are just that, not an indication they are suspicious/infected, just unable to be scanned.
If you want you can send us the log file.
Follow all described steps below:
create a custom scan
use the option to generate avast! report file
tick all available Reported items options
run virus scan
send us created report file, located under C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Alwil Software\Avast5\report
If you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact me again.
Well, the related change should indeed speed a few things up… but 3 times faster?? That seems to be way too much to me.
What exactly are you comparing it to? (I mean, the very first scan certainly takes long, when the persistent cache gets populated; the subsequent ones should be faster). What were/are the times for you? Are you talking about the “Full system scan”, or a custom one?
I just installed avast! 5 yesterday on this computer and I have run a total of 3 full scans, all three with both persistent cache options ticked. First scan, 18min 23sec, 42104 error on about 25 .msi files. Second scan, 11min 15sec, same errors. After downloading the new definitions today, 11min 40sec and all files scanned without error, so it looks like it is fixed here.
The persistent cache option appears to save about 6.5 minutes in scan time on this older computer, or roughly 1/3 faster. I have tested Norton with Insight, Avira 10 and Eset 3 and 4 on this computer as well. The fastest before avast! 5 was Avira, but that still took around 25 minutes, IIRC. Very impressive! Thanks for this amazing software!
The last time I did a full system scan was 2 days ago (April 18) and it was the 13th time I had performed a full system scan on a 5-week old Win XP machine. Here’s the stats: Run time: 0:38:09
Tested files: 42251
Tested folders: 1719
Amount of data tested: 13.72 GB
When I ran another full system scan today with virus database 100420-1, here are the stats: Run time: 0:11:59
Tested files: 42437
Tested folders: 1719
Amount of data tested: 13.88 GB
All full system scans were done with the default settings, except PUP scanning was turned on. I didn’t know anything about the “persistent cache” until you mentioned it. Prior to today, all previous 13 full system scans I performed took at least 30 minutes to complete.