Error "firma file non valida" trying to update

Hi, I’m new here, so I’d like to say hello to all the users of this forum!

I need your help because I have an issue trying to update the program. The current version is 10.4.2233. The program notify me that there’s an update available (11.1.2245), but the update process end at step 2/3 with the error “firma file non valida” (that is something like “sign file not valid” in english).

What can I do? If you need any more details about this issue just tell me.

Thank you in advance!


I’m having the same issue. The last time Avast AV was able to update signatures was at 6:35 EST this morning. Repeated retries give me the error “Last encountered error: Invalid file signature. Setup will terminate.” Running Avast Internet Security 11.1.2245.

Thanks for your reply, Eddy. I still have issues with automatic update, I’ll try again tomorrow and eventually I’ll try to do a manual update.