Error Message "Saving failed, please try again"

When editing a password an error message appears when trying to save the change. “Saving failed, please try again”.
Despite the error message, when checking back a few minutes later the change has taken place, and later also shows on other linked devices.

Hi Phil,

Looks like your UI files were not properly updated. Try to do a restart and if that doesn’t help, do an Avast repair installation (Control Panel → Programs and Features → Avast → Modify → Repair).


Thanks - what is a UI file? Does this need to be done on each device that is synced to my online PW data?

I recently added a new Windows 10 computer, that is when it appears to have started giving me the error message


Hi Phil,

I was wrong in my assumption that you had your UI files outdated (which is the case in 90% of issues like this one). As we recently found out, there were changes in other parts of Avast that caused this issue. The team responsible for this will be issuing an uUpdate that should be released soon. I’ll reply to this thread when it is out.

You don’t need to do anything on your machines, the uUpdate will be applied automatically.
