Error: the system cannot find the path specified (3) (help please)

i did a full scan and this came up
file name status
c:\Users\All Users Error: the system cannot find the path specified (3)

i also tried a quick scan and got the samething is this anything to worry about?

Hi Corex3D, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

No, nothing to worry about, we have seen this before. Most likely you have a pre-installed Windows on your system. Simply ignore it or uncheck ‘Follow links during scan’ in ‘Scan Settings - Sensitivity’ of the scan, although I don’t recommend that.

Greetz, Red.

i also tried a quick scan and got the samething is this anything to worry about?
well it is not malware, it is just an scan error, a file it cant find for whatever reason

have you tried a reboot?

thanks i have used a recovery program that was came with my laptop a few days ago could that have anything to do with it and i did try restarting my computer and scaned again it still says it ill just ignore it i guess also i have windows 7 home premium 64bit