Error when installing avast 4.7

After an uncomplete web update, avast won’t start.
I try to uninstall and reinstall avast unfortunaly!
Next a try awsClear.exe to uninstall avast.

When i try a newer install of avast, the process failed.

I found the information below in the log file:

21.04.2007 19:49:22 general: Started: 21.04.2007, 19:49:22
21.04.2007 19:49:22 general: Running setup_av_pro-3da (986)
21.04.2007 19:49:22 system: Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 2.0 [Service Pack 2]
21.04.2007 19:49:22 system: Windows Net User: KAMARCO\marc lejeune
21.04.2007 19:49:22 general: Cmdline: /sfx /sfxstorage C:\DOCUME~1\MARCLE~1\LOCALS~1\" /srcpath “C:\Documents and Settings\marc lejeune\Bureau”

21.04.2007 19:49:22 general: Old version: ffffffff (-1)
21.04.2007 19:49:22 general: SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 0
21.04.2007 19:49:22 general: GUID: 6c5c3683-acfb-473b-a019-b7ef83579f51
21.04.2007 19:49:22 general: SelectCurrent: selected server ‘tmp sfx storage’ from ‘sfx’
21.04.2007 19:49:22 package: GetPackages - set proxy for inet
21.04.2007 19:49:22 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
21.04.2007 19:49:22 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
21.04.2007 19:49:44 package: Load C\DOCUME~1\MARCLE~1\LOCALS~1\\prod-av_pro.vpu
21.04.2007 19:49:50 general: Selected group: Instant Messaging
21.04.2007 19:49:50 general: Selected group: P2P Shield
21.04.2007 19:49:50 general: Selected group: Internet Mail
21.04.2007 19:49:50 general: Selected group: Outlook/Exchange
21.04.2007 19:49:50 general: Selected group: Network Shield
21.04.2007 19:49:50 general: Selected group: Web Shield
21.04.2007 19:49:50 general: Selected group: Standard Shield
21.04.2007 19:49:50 general: Selected group: Skins
21.04.2007 19:49:50 general: Selected group: French language extension
21.04.2007 19:49:50 general: Selected group: French help
21.04.2007 19:49:50 general: Selected group: Professional Edition
21.04.2007 19:49:50 general: Selected group: Script Blocking
21.04.2007 19:49:51 package: Load C\DOCUME~1\MARCLE~1\LOCALS~1\\prod-av_pro.vpu
21.04.2007 19:49:52 package: DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\av_pro_core-38a.vpu, returned 0x00000000

21.04.2007 19:49:52 package: DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\av_pro_dll40c-6d.vpu, returned 0x00000000
21.04.2007 19:49:52 package: DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\av_pro_hlp40c-187.vpu, returned 0x00000000
21.04.2007 19:49:52 package: DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\av_pro_pro-23d.vpu, returned 0x00000000
21.04.2007 19:49:52 package: DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\av_pro_skins-13.vpu, returned 0x00000000
21.04.2007 19:49:52 package: DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\avscan-299.vpu, returned 0x00000000
21.04.2007 19:49:52 package: DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\winsys-2.vpu, returned 0x00000000
21.04.2007 19:49:52 package: DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\winsysgui-2.vpu, returned 0x00000000
21.04.2007 19:49:52 package: DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\vps-73400.vpu, returned 0x00000000
21.04.2007 19:49:52 package: DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\vpsm-73402.vpu, returned 0x00000000
21.04.2007 19:49:52 package: DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\news409-32.vpu, returned 0x00000000
21.04.2007 19:49:52 package: DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\jrog-1.vpu, returned 0x00000000
21.04.2007 19:49:58 package: vps: needs to be updated [073402]
21.04.2007 19:49:58 general: setup: updated
21.04.2007 19:49:58 general: setif: updated
21.04.2007 19:49:58 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\images\background.bmp
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Aavm4h.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\AavmGuih.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\AavmRpch.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\AhResMai.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ahResMes.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\AhResNS.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\AhResOut.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ahResP2P.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\AhResStd.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\AhResWS.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\AhRuiMai.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ahRuiMes.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\AhRuiNS.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\AhRuiOut.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ahRuiP2P.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\AhRuiStd.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\AhRuiWS.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Error direct moving file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashBase.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct delete of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ash1.tmp
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashCfgP.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashCfgT.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashChest.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashOutXt.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashShA64.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashShell.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashSODBC.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashSSqlt.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashSXML.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashTask.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct move of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashUInt.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Error direct moving file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashWsFtr.dll
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: Direct delete of file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ash2.tmp
21.04.2007 19:49:59 file: ERROR:Install file:C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashWsFtr.dll, code:0x00000020
21.04.2007 19:49:59 system: Error copying driver file C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\aswmon.sys (0x00000003)
21.04.2007 19:49:59 system: Error copying driver file C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\aswmon2.sys (0x00000003)

Please Help!!!

Did you use the common uninstall procedure (Control Panel / Add/Remove programs) before using the uninstall tool (

If you manually try to delete the C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\aswmon.sys and C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\aswmon2.sys files, what do you get? Maybe you need to be at Safe Mode.
Then try to install again. Anyway, it’s strange that the setup could not manage this directly.

Thanks for your help.
I found my problem.
The problem <

the problem occurs after the installation of spy doctor (google pack)
I removed this software and the install worked

Indeed Spyware Doctor could block the startup items of avast and mess the installation…

Edited, the name of the program I was thinking first time…

Is it Spy Doctor or Spyware Doctor?

If Spy Doctor, see - under SpyLax