were infected but not able to repaird… so i put them in the virus chest…
now i need to restore them back to where they were… but when i try to access my virus chest it says:
[b]Initialization of Chest files
Action was completed with errors!
Program cannot use Chest client: (null)
—>Description: Virus chest server is not running. RPC communication failed.
and i click on the Detail information tab… i will get this:
"Initialization of Chest files
Program will try to load all Chest files from the following server: (null)
Action was completed with errors!"
What is this? is this a temporary server problem for avast… and i will be able to gain access to my virus chest or what?
cuz i really need to restore those 2 files back…
Any comments will be appreciated… thanks in advance!!
You want to restore infected files?
Why do you use an antivirus program ?
I think it is better to reinstall the original software from
wich these files come.
These are some false alarms from Avast, if you really need them back, you can use Pandas onlinescanner again, and the installroutine should copy them again to your pc.
ok the funny thing is everybody says pav.sig is from Panda Antivirus right…
but i never used Panda… i did before but couple of weeks ago… i FORMATTEd my computer… and installed everything from new… and never touched Panda… so i dunno why this file is even there…
newayz… i’ll do the thing u said… and maybe it will copy those files for me there again… seems like they were ESSENTIAL files for Explorer.exe because now… as soon as i log in… after exactly ONE CLICK of the mouse… everything freezes and even Ctrl + Alt + Delete doesnt work!!
I’ll try that but why cant i open my VIRUS CHEST? howcome… it always gives some error now? wtf?
thanks for alll ur help… and i really do need it all right now? im not a computer expert… i know the basics tho… and dont know how to deal with complicated issues like thsi!
actually in my ABOVE post… i was wrong… i DID use this ONLINE panda antivirus scan few days ago… to see if its ANY good… so yeh it was after me formatting the computer…
so now scanning again and hopefully it will copy these files back in there again!!
So XXXX… if i had just done what my brother told me and IGNORE the fact that AVast said i had those 3 viruses… i woulldnt be here right now… i’d be doing my own XXXX… but no… cuz i moved them to virus chest… and idd some other XXXX… next thing i no… everything freezes all the time… unless im in SAFE MODE!!
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