Error when updating

Good day to all, My Avast Proffesional was installed a long time ago by my school’s janitor (he was also the school internet/pc technician, don’t ask me why)… well it has worked perfect ever since untill recently…

Whenever I want to update my virus definitions it always tells me that my System date and time have changed and that I need to change that and re-enter my license key… Now where that comes from, I have no idea… so apparently I needed to change my date and time settings, so I did, and I tried to re-enter my license key, problem is, I don’t know where the hell I’m supposed to find one??

Anyway, I was looking around on this forum and saw that you could manually download updates, so I tried that and got the following error as well;

Can’t install VPS update. Please, report following errorcodes:

SI: 0x00000005
ST: 0x2000001D
LE: 0x00000000.

So, ehhhrrrm, what the hell is going on? Do I need a new license key? Where do I get that? Do I need a new Avast version? Where do I get that?

The license key should have been emailed to the person (Janitor? ;D) who originally purchased the license.

It can be recovered, but it’s likely that it will be sent to the original person again.

I guess that if the janitor isn’t around anymore, and the license is expired, then purchasing a new license is in order.

Also, you can test to see if your license has expired:

Apparently my license key has not yet expired… damn that janitor!

Do I just buy a new license key or do I have to buy a whole new version of avast now?

I would say first deal with the date issue, changing that to the correct day/month/year (if required) may resolve the issue without having to re-enter the license key.

Manual updates like the auto update will only work if you have a valid in date license.

I suppose this is not the right forum for helping me out with the date issue right?

I’m a complete noob, I know :-[

Double click on the clock (bottom right of the screen), from the settings that pop-up confirm that the date is correct and adjust as required.

Okay so the date is correct. But I still get the pop-up to check my date settings and re-enter the license key if okay. So my problem really just seems to be the license key… and well since I’m not the owner apparently I just have to get a new one I guess :stuck_out_tongue:

Is this computer still at the school? Wouldn’t it be their responsibility to keep licenses up to date? Did you steal it or something? I’m confused.

Nope, it’s my laptop. I once took it to the guy cuz it was broken and he told me that he couldn’t find any antivirus program on my laptop, so he put Avast! on it… and that’s all I know.

Odd that he paid for it. I would have just given you the free version instead. Well, if it was about a year ago, then It probably is expired, and you’ll just have to pay for a new license I guess.

Okay! Thanks for the help ;D

Sure, no problem.