ODBC function SQLConnect() failed. Error description: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not find file ‘(unknown)’…
help anyone?..i’m using win xp
ODBC function SQLConnect() failed. Error description: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not find file ‘(unknown)’…
help anyone?..i’m using win xp
Where did you find it? In the Log Viewer?
You can safely ignore it if it doesn’t repeat (if it happened just once, after installation). Everything should work fine – or doesn’t it?
yeah…thks…i’m just curious why there’s this error…
avast rocks!!!
This error is generated only the first time avast! is trying to access its data file. If it is not found avast! creates new one with default tasks from DefTasks.xml file. You can simply ignore this record.
I have fixed it so starting with next build of avast! it will not be logged any more (current build is 211 and it contains this “feature”).