Errors installing ADMN...

I’ve just attemted to install aVast Distributed Network Management (ADNM version 4.8.975.0) on one of our servers, and it “succeeded” with errors:

31.08.2009 09:55:12 general: Started: 31.08.2009, 09:55:12
31.08.2009 09:55:12 general: Running setup_av_mgm-3cf (975)
31.08.2009 09:55:12 system: Operating system: Windows2003 ver 5.2, build 3790, sp 2.0 [Service Pack 2] SERVER
31.08.2009 09:55:12 system: Memory: 87% load. Phys:256668/2091156K free, Page:2231164/4035408K free, Virt:2068484/2097024K free

Executing:C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Management Tools\mirror\httpd.exe /install
31.08.2009 09:56:41 system: ERROR:Not executed:C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Management Tools\mirror\httpd.exe /install, code:0x000000C1
31.08.2009 09:56:41 general: progress thread start
31.08.2009 09:56:41 internet: SYNCER: Agent=Syncer/4.80 (av_mgm-975;p)
31.08.2009 10:06:44 system: Starting service aswHTTPMirror
31.08.2009 10:06:44 system: Service aswHTTPMirror started, errcode: 0x00000424
31.08.2009 10:06:44 general: Err:Service aswHTTPMirror couldn’t be started.Error code: 0x00000424

Take into account that this was the first and only Anwil Software product that I attempted to install. My plan was to install the ADNM and then see how it would distribute aVast to a workstation on our network. I chose the installation without the Microsoft Data Engin (MSDE) - as we have MS SQL Server 2005 installed on this particular machine. It seems that the database was successfully created. We have not purchased licenses - as we would like to make use of the “try before you buy” option.

Please advise.

ERROR:Not executed:C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Management Tools\mirror\httpd.exe /install, code:0x000000C1
that line tells that the mirroring process didnt start, which means you cant create and deploy any packages.

you could check in this thread for the error codes:
i checked it gives error message 193 which is not excistant according to my XP and Win7 machine.

searching for the hex error code on google brought me to this thread:
the problem is completely different, but the solution might be of use possibly:

Anyway, the answer, found after a bit of googling, was (...drum roll ...) a file named PROGRAM in the root of my D drive. Renamed it and rebooted and magically all is now OK again. txt files can be opened normally and Avast runs normally.

check your disks roots and see if this file exists for you too

the other options that i mainly see is problems with printers and their drivers…
maybe you have a bad driver for something somewhere, cant tell that tho

I did find the file “PROGRAM” in the root of the D:\ drive, deleted it and rebooted. But the same thing happens. Is there perhaps something I missed before attempting to install? Should I have ports open on our firewall? I make use of a proxy-server to get to the Internet, could that interfere? I have MS SQL Server 2005 installed on the server - could that cause the problem?

Kind regards.