ERUNT Backups?

Hi is it possible to change the backup folder of ERUNT from C:\Windows\ERDNT\3-18-2010, to C:\My Documents…tried it once while installing ERUNT…changed the default path to C:\My Documents but later ERUNT continued to make backups in windows?


You should be able to set it to whatever you like, mine when I run it I set to use E:\Data\ERDNT\ then you have the different date folders where you have run a backup. See image, clicking the button with the … allows you to navigate (using the drop down list) and you can select My Documents.

However, personally there is no way I would stuff it in the My Documents folder as this isn’t a proper folder

Thanks DavidR so you keep it on a different drive/partition & not on the Primary active C…ok I agree My Documents isn’t the correct place…but why does ERUNT later creates backups on C:\Windows & not C:\My Documents, just a query?

Like here…

I don’t know why it uses Windows as the default directory, perhaps as I suggested the My Documents folder isn’t a proper folder but a link to a different folder, try and find the My Documents in explorer and you will get what I mean.

I don’t like to clutter up my C:\ partition so I tend to keep things like this in a data partition.

Me I tend to give the folder a name in which I will remember what it is for, hence my creating a folder called ERUNT to place the ERUNT backup stuff in.

I could guess: inherit access rights of Windows folder.
You can use the command line version to backup wherever you want.