[b]EU prepares to settle Microsoft browser case[/b]http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/10/07/AR2009100700562.html?wpisrc=newsletter&wpisrc=newsletterBy AOIFE WHITE
The Associated Press
Wednesday, October 7, 2009; 9:19 AMBRUSSELS – European Union regulators said Wednesday they were preparing to settle a long and costly antitrust battle with Microsoft Corp. with a deal to give Windows users a choice of web browsers.
I thought this was settled some time ago, the wheels of bureaucracy grind exceedingly slow ;D
Primarily MS were going to remove IE ‘completely’ from EU versions, Windows 7 [type Home Premium, etc.] (E) indicating no IE. This they found was too difficult because IE is integrated into the OS and its removal would be almost impossible without starting from the ground up (replacing those things displayed by IE integration).
So they came up with the polling idea for a workaround, which I though had already been agreed, other than the Bun Fight of which browsers would be included in the Poll list and in what order ;D
And next the European Union will require Coke to include cans of Pepsi in every case and McDonalds Will have to include items from Burger King and Wendys in their menus.
What a Joke!
Well the last I heard Coke didn’t have a monopoly position in its distribution network or the Supermarkets wouldn’t be carrying Pepsi or their own brand versions…
Hi folks,
Remember America also has a history here. What happened to Westinghouse Electric and Westinghouse Air Brakes? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westinghouse_Electric_(1886)
The EU has not been splitting up MS in divisons, has it - just adding some browser flaws.
Say that one sells only banana flavored ice. What about those that crave for simple vanilla or strawberry ice? Do they have to import (install) their own favorite flavor?
I like Henry Ford
Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black.