These same entities will also be the first to complain about any weakness in the new
operating system.
McAfee seems to be the biggest complainer of all. Maybe they are afraid that if Vista becomes to secure,
their services may no longer be needed.
If your using avast! and have Vista installed, your already enjoying a compatible Anti-virus program which
does NOT require compromising Vista’s Kernel Patch Protection or shutting down the Security Center management console in Vista.
Those people are so stupid it’s incredible… First they all complained how Windows OS is insecure, blah, blah, blah… and now when they have much better protected shell, they still find something to complain about. Of course, because their business is not going to run as good as it ran before
We all envy how MacOSX is secure and everything… now when we finally can have something at least close to it, there are always some people who will try to ruin everything. “Open” kernel so we can play with it… who guarantees us that those important information will not end up in bad guys hands ?
Close everything and make it fortress, they can cry as much and long as they want… Maybe they should change the industry they work in. Producing and selling socks maybe… Socks can smell almost as bad as their complaints.
That how it is being sold to us. Why wasn’t there any comment on my posting here: ??
That it all has to do with DRM and hosted computing. In the end the computer as we have known it will be turned into a content playing machine of which everything will not run or be removed immediately that is not approved of by the content cartel. Off course a secured closed kernel is more secure, but at what cost if palladium comes in. When they play hand in hand with the content industry there is no room for innovation. Just compare what the end user could do in the days of analog and now in the days of closed digital reception. We have arrived at times where even pointing out where you can download circumvention can land you in the slammer or leave you pennyless because they have so much money, they leave you pennyless even if you win, and these litigation socks are smelly. I hope the Microsoft visionairs got it right, when they said eventually there will be no way to lock the Darknets out. And darknet has nothing to do with malware or virus or piracy it is just a way to guarantee free exchange of information. But if I am sure they will pester it with all technological means, trying to fear Internauts out of it or they buy everything out that is a threat to their purses. That is why my ZA locks down all the time I fire up Torpark with a proxy.
I agree with you on the security part, but I have my fears about the durability of the free Internet as we knew it.