Every time I use smart scan my modem restart

Your router will continue to reboot while you run a Smart Scan/Wi-Fi inspector scan.

In order to solve this, you will need to remove the Wi-Fi Inspector component from Settings > Components.

In rare scenarios, when the WiFi Inspector looks for vulnerabilities and bruteforce attacks the router, some routers reboot. The only way to solve this is by removing the Wi-Fi inspector component for now.

In the future (rather later than sooner), Avast will add advanced options to the Wi-Fi Inspector where you can disable some parameters in order for the router not to reboot. It’s important to remember that very few routers are affected.

Nope, it reboot the same way.

So there is no problem with the router/pc, it’s just some routers that aren’t “compatible” with the WiFi scan?
Thank you for your help guys, I’m glad avast didn’t leave me alone and solved my problem. :slight_smile:

Your problem is not solved yet, keep in touch to see when the fix is done. Might be a bit or so before that happens.

Thank you! I will.


Thank you for reporting this issue.
For analysis we will need some logs.
First enable debug logging: GUI → Settings → General → Maitenance → Enable debug logging
Then reproduce the issue (Run Smart Scan).
Then create support package and submit it (guide here: https://www.avast.com/en-us/faq.php?article=AVKB33) and post the ID of the created package here, so we can find it.

Thank you,

I enabled debug logging, then run smartscan and created a zip file with the support tool. Is that right? The id is 5LXUS

It used to restart my modem when I had it on my phone, it drove ever body else nuts, I just told it not to scan for connection/modem security issues.

Hello Luan28,

Thank you for the logs.
We will investigate the issue.


Okay, thanks.
When done will you post the result here or e-mail/pm?

I’m certain they will report back. Be patient.

Ok, I will. I also hope this info helps: I tried to use the wifi scan with my phone (avast free version) and the router didn’t reboot at all, don’t know if the pc and android version are similar though.

So something weird happened today, i restored my pc and modem to factory default and downloaded chrome avast again, later a popup said avast deleted an infected archive, I dont remember the name but i searched about it and it was a samsung config archive. After that I tried the WiFi scan and the router didnt reboot with the internet cable, but it still reboot wireless.

I guess the infected archive was a false positive?


Any news from avast support?

Hello Filip
Do you have any idea what the problem is already?
Thank you!!

Hello Luan28,

Unfortunately not, we didn’t find anything out of ordinary in the network scan. It finished successfully - no network error (router restart occurred during the scan).
Does the issue occur when you turn off the Network part of Smart Scan?
You can turn it off in Settings > General > Smart Scan
If yes, please try turning the other part one by one and let us know which was the issue.
If not, please run the full network scan (from Wi-Fi inspector page) - does the router restart after running the full scan? If yes, please generate a support package after running the full scan.

I apologize for the long response time.
Thank you for your help and patience.

Support Package:

Instructions how to use it can be easily found:

Yes, it only occurs if I enable router scan in the smart scan or if I run WiFi scan. I’ll send the support file later today, and I also contacted my router support to try updating my firmware but they said there’s only this firmware available for my model. I’d like to know if it could possible have any relation with virus? I already reset my modem and pc to factory defaults, so I think it’s not the case.

Thank you and I’ll reply later with the support package.

I also noticed in some pages here the https lock is missing, I don’t think it happens in other sites though. I was worried my router could be hijacked.

(this is not the rebooting router, I found no problem running the wifi scan on this one except for a unknown device I think it’s my cousin’s tablet or tv https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=204059.0)

I doubt that that is the only firmware available unless it is a brand new model there normally is always older firmware.

There happen to be a disributeur of Zyxel (Valadis) in my town and I know someone who works/worked there.
Haven’t spoken to him for a while, but I’m gonna give it a try.

They said it was a special router made for my isp, and it was the only firmware created so far. But I’d be glad if you coule speak to him.
About the dns problem I’d like to know from you guys if it could be being hijacked because I’m really worried since I used my credit card so many times, and there was that “problem” with this site https lock.
I’ve sent my current router config, it’s in portuguese but I think you can see if is anything weird.

Thank you again!!