Everythings gone black

Hi there, hope you guys can help me out with this.

I’ve been running The ADNM from my office for a couple of weeks now, got everything working the way i want it and decided to move it into it’s production location (which is on a different sub net) I didn’t think this would be an issue. I changed the EAS from a 192 sub net to a 10. Now all my clients have gone from green to black and i can’t communicate with them. I tried changing the EAS address in the group properties to the machine name and let dns pick it up but it hasn’t made any difference.

I don’t want to redeploy to all my clients again as this will mean another 300 reboots and another 300 unhappy faces.

Is there a painless way to resolve this?

Thanks in advance.

ADNM is outdated…!!

Use ASOA or AEA → http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=33.0

Sorry my terminology isn’t clear. It is AEA that I’m using. I know ADNM is the old version.

I see. Please ask/continue in “avast! Business Protection”. (Link in Reply #1)