Can we clear this up once and for all? When exactly does avast home run an antirootkit scan? And Avast Pro, is that different? If it doesn’t to a rootkit scan when doing a regular scan, how can we make the rootkit scan happen on demand?
I only ask because there seem to have been conflicting reports in the forums about this. I install avast for many of our customers and just would like to know what to tell them.
I’m araid I don’t see that option in the avast user interface - I just see the other tasks, not the “rootkit” one. I have ticked the box for special tasks…
to add a rootkitscan you just have to do the following:
go to tasks → click on ‘new’ in the upper menu-bar → enter a name for you scan → go to areas → add → select the rootkitscan (quick or full) → remove the ‘local harddrive’-entry (if you want to do a rootkitscan only) → click ‘Ok’