Exchange 2007

I installed Avast server on my hub role for Exchange 2007 and found that email started getting stuck in queues. This is an enterprise version set up with ADNM. I stopped the “Avast Mail Scanner” service and the queues were freed up:

  1. Is there some kind of walk through on how Avast should be set up on Exchange 2007?
  2. Is simply disabling that service the proper thing to do or can someting different be done from ADNM?
  3. I don’t see any kind of “Avast Exchange” service. Is there supposed to be one that scans the information store or is Exchange aware?

I actually use symantec on our exchange server whcih does it automactically.

Here is their info

Symantec recommends that you exclude the quorum disk, the %Winnt%\Cluster folder, and the file share witness which is located on another server in the environment, typically on the Hub Transport server.