Exchange Server 2007 and 64 Bit ~~~~

Is Avast! Server edition going to support Exchange Server 2007? Also will it support the Windows 2003 server 64bit edition (required for Exch. 07)? ~~ Or does it already?..

I can’t seem to find any documentation on this.

Dear pyrophor,

welcome to the avast forums, and let me apologize for the late reply.

The current version of the avast Exchange plugin still does NOT support Exchange 2007 (you guessed it, 64bitness is the culprit) but an E2K7 version is under preparation. Hopefully, it will be ready in a couple of months.


Hi Ondrej

Any idea when it might be ready?


Wow I was just going to post the same question. I thought avast was already 64 bit ready? Or you mean the culprit is exchange app itself being 64bit. As on my exchange 2007 server I did install avast net server edition I just left off the exchange plugin as I figured it wouldn’t work. But I did install the standard shield, web shield, and script blocker and one more, maybe the network shield.
No problems do that, right?

We’re working on it… it’s a bit tricky, but shouldn’t take much time now.
Stay tuned… :-\

Any Updates?

Looking at installing Exhange 2007 Very soon.

Also need to move from Norton for workstations and will very likely be moving to Avast for 20 machines and 5 servers. (hint…hint)


How is it going with the plug in for Exchange 2007. I know your well aware that people are chompin at the bit to get their new Exchange rolled out so if you could give us an update so we can inform our managers.


I sent an e-mail to support since nothing was being reported here and they replied that the plugin would be ready the Q1 08 if anyone was interested…stay tuned


I will be installing Exchange 07 first part of January.

Good Timing!!


ForeFront is ready for Exchange 64 bits. :-[


Hi all

Been using Exchange 2007 for over 7 months on company/test server and now I really really really would like to deploy it with my costumers without routing there email trough my AV server…
Most of my costomers have 1-4 server and 10-50 workstadions and now I have the setup like this, I install Avast ADNM on one of the servers to deploy Avast to the server, exchange 2003 and workstadions and admining like this is so easy but now many are asking me to upgrade Exchange to 2007 but I really need the Avast Exchange Plug-in to work.

RTM for almost a year… Now the time has come :slight_smile:

Guys, I can recommend a short term fix, not ideal but will give us some protection from inbound emails.

Its possible to install the SMTP part of the avast server plugin without the Exchange provider, this way you scan inbound mails before they hit Exchange.

I hope this helps in the short term.

