I have a problem since avast 4.8. Now I’m using avast 5 and the problem persists.
For version 4.8, I already posted my problem:
So I won’t repeat it here. In short, when using Vista’s “Search” function, avast 4.8 was advicing about viruses it founds in my hdd, inside compressed archives (zip, cab, exe). The viruses are not the problem (read the original post). The problem is that I search with the option NOT to open zip’s and cab’s, but avast 4.8 was still “finding” those viruses at each search.
It may be a problem in Vista’s “search” function (as if vista is searching inside archives even when I opt not to).
I couldn’t find a solution (again, the compressed viruses are not the issue here), so now with avast 5, I decided to add the parent folder to the “exclusions” list. (FYI, yes I added "" to the “exclusions” line and clicked “add” and saved the settings).
Something must be wrong, because even with the excluded folder, the search function in Vista is still making avast pop up with viruses being found.
As I posted before, this behavior started some time ago, but it wasn’t the original behavior when I first installed avast.
Again, it could be some strange issue with the “search” options in Vista. But again, the problem is still present, even after adding the parent folder to the exclusions list in avast.
No matter which “search” options I set, avast shouldn’t be popping anything about viruses found inside a compressed zip/cab/exe archive which is under my exclusions’ list.
Any ideas?