Is this EXE file secure? it tries to connec again and again, I denied connection. It says Avast is behind but how can I be sure?
Thank you!
What .exe …you dont give any file name?
where is the file located… full file path
i dont think that is a avast file… what say it is?
Could well be the avast emergency updater, as we have seen this format of name used in the past.
When opening Avast I could see 5 Avast Emergency Update threads, only one has a Verisign class 3 signature and the name Avast in the enterprise label, the other 4 have no signature but are grouped under Avast emergency update in the firewall as Friends Outgoing… this one having signature it is an EXE file but with this name AvastEmUpdate, the other 4 files have a similar name as I posted before … any recommendation? All of them are under AVAST Sotfware/Avast/Setup/
I think that it is this AvastEmUpdate.exe (digitally signed avast executable) that controls the emergency update checking/process and those other unique file names are generated by the emergency update checking process.