Exploit Script in the forum topic...

I am getting an exploit notification in the forum thread “Symantec removal false positive”. Anyone else?

Hello :slight_smile:

If you are talking about avast! warning on that topic - I don’t get the warning message. :-
Do the warning come from avast! or other program?

Can you post a screenshoot of the message?

Since I have contributed twice and just revisited that topic, I can say no I’m not getting any alert.

I assume this is the one you are talking about [b]http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=25638.0[/b], ‘Symantec Removal Tools False Positive’ U3 USB drive with removal tools on it. There is no code or attachments on that page.

I am stilling getting the message from Kaspersky. Http script exploit.

Now says “exploit.HTML.Htm”

Kaspersky Internet Security 6.0

The requested URL http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=25638.0 is forbidden

Well, I’ve just checked the link with Dr.Web link checker and everything is clear. So most probably this is Kaspersky’s False Positive :-\

Thanks, I never knew about Dr. Web.

Test it!
http://online.drweb.com/?url=1 :wink:

There is also a very handy firefox extension, you just right click the url you want to check or bookmark the link Tech gave to manually input a url.