Explorer.exe infected


My Avast detects a risk on explorer.exe and a popup is constantly displayed. It seems explorer is infected by a rootkit or similar

I have executed avast detection on boot, and other softwares like Combofix or tdskiller but popup still is here.

So, what can i do??

AVAST is version 2015.10.0.2208 with all virus updates. WINDOWS is w7 Sp1 Professional 64b.



Attach your basic diagnostic logs. (MBAM, FRST and aswMBR)
Instructions: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0

Thank you!

I´ve downloaded and executed AntiMalware. It was detected many popups malware in my system, and for now the popups and Avast risk notifications have dissapear


There will be leftover files … you need to attach the requested logs

Important are the two diagnostic logs from FRST

Ok here they are,

And the rest?

oops sorry,
those are all i have

Malwarebytes logs only?

Did you download and run FRST ? … second picture in the guide asyn gave you