Extending a Linux partition

Is there a way to extend a Linux partition. I reserved 5GB and ended up having 1.7GB of usable space in Ubuntu,

Did you try to install GParted and try with it??

Take care… extending ext3 partitions could mess your Linux boot and loose data.
I’ve tested more than once, maybe I’ve done something wrong (as usual ;D) but I’ve lost the partition.
Maybe consider removing the partition and installing Ubuntu again… who knows…

I should clean my XP so I can add more to Ubuntu.

Unrelated problem:
I booted in Ubuntu and I can’t access the internet even when the network icon shows it’s connected. But I can access the internet with XP.

And my Ubuntu is a Wubi install so it’s not on a separate partition but in my XP. I’ll think I’ll uninstall and re-install it but I have no time.

Are you wireless connected? Did you add the netword password?

Well, I don’t know if Wubi allows partition resizing, but, for sure, there is nothing related to physical partition resize as you’ve seem to post before…