Extremly tricky malware.

I am currently trying to clean out a computer (not mine) that has some real hidden malware. I am fixing it through yuuguu ( a remote desktop) that let’s me control their mouse and keyboard. The thing is I can’t find the hidden. I did everything, scan with Malware byte’s anti malware (Found a few). Scanned with Avast! if found nothing at all. Spybot found a few a few months earlier. SUPERantispyware found a few registry items infected. I scan with all apps and it can find it. I even scanned for rootkits using rootkit buster. I know there is more viruses on it because it’s soooooooo slowwwwww (Just yesterday it became extremly slow) just came out of no where. After updating windows or something.

Here’s another clue… the owner ended up scanning with spybot s & d and it said Cannot include /included/trojans.sif

I looked through the Program files and found suspicious folders (boxed in red).
Here is a picture.


Any tips or something I should do would be greatly appreciated. I will be online for a long time so I will reply fast.

I cant really say for sure but have you tried a Boot-time scan with Avast!? with archive scanning turned on? you could also try a scan with SUPERantispyware you could also try some online scanners just to get the general idea of what might be on the system from
Kaspersky (very good detection rates) or
Trend Micro which offers removal as well


I’m going to try avira. If not It might be easier just to reformat.

You could give it a try, Its always best to try and save a computer before reformatting it but if it comes down to it remember to backup all important data