Fake Antivirus Attacks, Demands Ransom

[b]According to security company Panda Security, rogueware program Total Security 2009 starts out in conventional fashion with the ‘discovery’ of a non

existent malware infection for which it demands an unusually ambitious $79.95 (£50), and even has the cheek to ask a further $19.95 for ‘premium’ technical support.

Users deciding against purchasing the license find that all files and applications on their PC have been designated as ‘infected’ and made inaccessible until the user follows on-screen instructions to buy a license using the only working application, Internet Explorer.


Here’s a video of this Malware in action.


Hi Marc57.

Here are some valid serials for this malware:

Does avast detect TotalSecurity2009 re: http://www.pandasecurity.com/homeusers/security-info/212529/information/TotalSecurity2009


That’s a good question polonus.

wow…serial cracks to fight malware…nice :slight_smile: read once some bad stuff had the ability to encrypt your data, leaving a message asking for a ransom to get the decrypting key…that’s still worse.

about detection, see that:

That doesn’t say anything about avast! ???