Fake Avast! site ??

Hi I was just searching for more information about Avast! Antivirus online and came across this site which looks quite fake, it was actually one of the top 5 results that the search engine displayed ( bing.com) .

Edit: Actually it was the first result - but it was highlighted in light green and had a tag saying its a sponsored site. Looking at the results displayed it didnt seem suspicious but after visiting the site it certaintly did :slight_smile:

Just wondering if its a fake site and if it is whether anything can be done about it, as it will be very misleading for customers and they will get in trouble… :-\

The link is,

EDIT: hxxp://avast.virus-softwarez.com/index.php

agree…sure looks suspicious

undoubtedly a scam

Search for Avast in Bing and it will be the first result you get. it says that its a sponsored site in small font though but most users wont notice it and will fall for this scam. That will bring a bad name for this Software ( again by some users who are not aware…).

Is there anything that can be done about this? to report this as a scam site or something? Will be very helpful for most users dont you think? (Users who are not that computer literate…)

Please make your link unclickable…! (hxxp)

Ok done :slight_smile: but may I ask why? (just curious ;D )

Also look what I found ;D


the people at WWE also use Avast! ;D

to avoid clicking by accident…not fun if if the link goes direct to live malware

Oh ok, did not know that :slight_smile: thanks for the info!

Well I found this link to be secured by encryption certificate. May be its a dealer’s website??

No dealer would run a site with ‘warez’ in its name. :wink:

But its working is suspicious…

And what about that certificate??? Its encrypted with 256 bit encryption key… Which is quite high grade…

What does the certificate proof…!!!
You’ll get everything for money. :wink:

What with it? HTTPS encryption means the connection is encrypted. Nothing else - and not even with “trusted” root CAs, as the recent Comodo’s fiasco shows. No, not even if the certificate shows a well-known company name, at least until you have verified the certificate fingerprint with that company. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the info buddies… What about avastindia.com ? Is it also suspicious? How to verify which is avast reseller’s website?

NP, Ashish.

Contact Avast sales dept.? http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php?loadStyles

The official distributor for India is

Avosec Address : Office 8, 1st Floor Waghere Empire, Morwadi, Pimpri Pune, Pune -18 Support email : support@avosec.com Telephone : 919765391432 URL : http://www.avast.in/

(at least according to http://www.avast.com/locate-dealer#7_119_tab1)

Thanks Man… avast must include this as malicious url then. May be next update.
Anyway thanks alot

http://www.avast.com/locate-dealer#7_119_tab2 :wink:

Dawar Multiple Media Pvt. Ltd. Address : 50 Todar Mal Road, Bengali Market, New Delhi - 110001 Support email : sales@avastindia.com Fax : +1 866-794-3441 Telephone : 91 9911321555 URL : http://www.avastindia.com/