false alert?

starting today I get this virus alert: Win32: Trojan-gen
this happens when I try to open my Zoom Player Professional 4.51
I have been using this software for several years and it has never been flagged before.
I cannot upgrade to a newer version because several custom settings will be irretrievably lost…

I have a similar case. A file from Adobe (!), AdbeRdr920_es_ES.exe, that I downloaded on 31/10/2009, and installed without any problem, is now triggering the “Win32:Rootkit-gen [Rtk]” virus. VPS Version: 091121-1, 21/11/2009.

Anyone else with this kind of problem?


you can send all the detected files to virus@avast.com with the subject “false positive avast 4.8.1356” and the link to this topic in the body of the mail. better it would be if you zip the file with password protection and put the password in the body of the mail.

hopefully it will be fixed in the next vps update.


did not want to continue without av protection, I simply took the painful plunge and installed and configured a new version of Zoom Player which is not flagged as a virus…