False phishing url

Hello, I am a technical lead of two websites which were falsely added to Avast and AVG blacklist as phishing websites. We have administrators and we are monitoring all the actions of our users so such adding is completely nonsense. I filled false negative form twice but no one contacted me. How to reach someone who is responsible and can consult? Also I tried to call to support phone but we are not based in US, we based in Europe, and my phone call got rejected. That’s a really urgent situation because such actions are doing damage to our business.

Thank you

That is the correct thing to do, but give Avast 48hrs to investigate. Note they will no longer reply to FP reports regardless.
I assume you have tested your websites on VirusTotal https://www.virustotal.com or other reputable verification sites.

Note. I am just another user, not affiliated or employed by Avast.

Thanks for your message.

First time I filled a form maybe 4-5 days ago. I checked virustotal, so we are completely clean here.

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Really? Social media gets a faster response than the official Avast forum? Sounds fishy, or another Avast scandal…