False positive in all sites of our server

Avast is blocking ALL websites hosted in our server, including applications that do not have any visible content (require login and password).

Our server IP is and below are some sites that are being blocked:


wxw.sysmidia.com.br has only an empty html file and the website is being blocked as well! It doesn’t make any sense.

The only information that is given for all websites is Infection: al

We need to know why all websites are being blocked since this has a terrible impact for all of our clients.

WOT has problems here, e.g. http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/sysm.com.br
The infectious link seems to be -code.jquery.com see: wordpress hack → bt.php → mass infection, http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=code.jquery.com infested via -actitudmovil.com.ar: http://www.checksitesafe.com/site/actitudmovil.com.ar
see: http://urlquery.net/queued.php?id=15361


this is our false, because we blocked whole hosting not only infected site. Hosting will be unblock in next virus definition update.