False positive in IBM Rapid Restore PC

On my XP Pro SP3 system I did a full scan today and the following false positive was detected in IBM Rapid Restore PC application.

  1. How was it detected? What was scanning, you yourself or the back-ground scanner?
    When did the message occur on a download, unzipping, opening a file, mail or mail-attachment, etc.?
    In a full scan of my hard drive.

  2. What was the source of the file, where did the file come from?.: e.g. address, URL, source.

  3. When was it downloaded or received?
    About a month ago.

  4. What is the exact file name with extension.

  5. What was the exact wording of the message that the AV program came up with? This is important for later.

10/29/2008 13:11:07 SYSTEM 1672 Sign of “Win32:Trojan-gen {Other}” has been found in “C:\PROGRA~1\XPOINT\AGENT\XPAGENT.EXE” file.
10/29/2008 13:19:53 3724 Sign of “Win32:Trojan-gen {Other}” has been found in “C:\Program Files\Xpoint\agent\trzA.tmp” file.
10/29/2008 13:22:12 3724 Sign of “Win32:Trojan-gen {Other}” has been found in “C:\System Volume Information_restore{29FD9B63-4F58-4DB0-B2C4-8709D5244F27}\RP201\A0041053.exe” file.

  1. Now go back and do nothing yet. Scan the particular file once again with your AV product.
    Same thing.

A. The message is in the same wording: maybe positive alert
B. If the message is not in the same wording or the scan does not find up anything this could be a false positive.

  1. Check with an on line scanner or update to jotti for a second opinion. Jotti resides at http://virusscan.jotti.org/

The file you uploaded is 0 bytes. It is very likely a firewall or a piece of malware is prohibiting you from uploading this file

  1. Go get informed ask a Virus Encyclopedia or Virus Central, put a question on a forum.
    I’m here.

Yes there is a problem with the Win32:Trojan-gen {Other} detection. It started about 10 update ago. Please search this board on how to submit a false positive and follow the instructions.

And please search next time before posting

Hi YoKenny,

This may be the background for this FP: Reported as the CLICKER.LE TROJAN by Panda Anti-Virus. Do not confuse this with the IBM/XPoint Rapid Restore file which is generally located in the PROGRAM FILESXPOINTAGENT folder…
Then consider this information here: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/startups/xpagent.exe-6979.html

The malware finds relate to:
Description: Xpagent.exe is located in a subfolder of “C:\Program Files” or sometimes in a subfolder of C:. The file size on Windows XP is 98304 bytes.
There is no information about the maker of the file. The program is not visible. Xpagent.exe is not a Windows system file. The process uses ports to connect to LAN or Internet. Xpagent.exe is able to hide itself, monitor applications. Therefore the technical security rating is 71% dangerous.

Recommended: Identify Xpagent.exe related errors

If Xpagent.exe is located in the folder C:\Windows\System32 then the security rating is 83% dangerous. File size is 146488 bytes (45% of all occurrence), 147000 bytes, 146487 bytes, 146999 bytes, 146489 bytes. The program has no file description. The program is not visible. File Xpagent.exe is located in the Windows folder, but it is not a Windows core file. Program starts upon Windows startup (see Registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run). The file is not a Windows system file.

And for the legit and safe versions see these characteristics:
So if your version is “IBM/XPoint Rapid Restore file-related” you have nothing to worry about, and it has been falsely flagged, else it could well be malware. Again trzA.tmp could be bad:
but again not necessarily. For the malware component:


    • File Names Used: 26
    • Paths Used: 34
    • Common File Name: TRZA.TMP
    • Common Path: %WINDIR%\
    • Vendor Information: No Vendor details specified
    • TRZA.TMP may use 26 or more path and file names, these are the most common:
    • 1 :%honeypotroot%\4974C16929009786DE8424CA69C4…pmw
    • 2 :%WINDIR%\TRZ157.TMP
    • 3 :%WINDIR%\TRZ35.TMP
    • 4 :%WINDIR%\TRZ3F.TMP
    • 5 :%WINDIR%\TRZA.TMP
    • 6 :%WINDIR%\TRZE9.TMP
    • 7 :%windir%\ugqe\ipiiuaaoyy-\XQAMHG7.QXQ
    • 8 :?:\A00000000
    • 9 :?:\program files1\drweb\infected.!!!\RAVMONE (1).EXE
    • 10:?:\program files1\drweb\infected.!!!\RAVMONE (2).EXE
    • 11:?:\TRZA.TMP.EXE
    • File Name Structure: Normal
    • File and Path Structure: Suspicious, unusually high number of file and path combinations

    • Malicious Objects Created: 9 objects
    • Malicious Creators: 3
    • Malware Run Keys: Creates registry run keys for known malware objects
    • Self Persists: Yes, creates copies of itself
    • Antivirus Detection: No third party antivirus detection observed
    • Anti-Spyware Detection: No third party anti-spyware detection observed

    • The following behaviors have been observed for this object:
    • Installs programs.
    • Deletes programs.
    • Invokes dll components.
    • Creates Run Keys.
    • Runs other programs.
    • Communicates with web sites using httpout protocols.
    • Changes file execution mappings.
    • Hijacks running processes.
    • Has outbound communications.
    • Inspects email address books.
    • Creates registry entries.
    • Creates run keys for known malware.
    • Creates known malware.
    • Creates copies of itself.

    • Malware Group Propagation Rate: Moderate (spreading)
    • Malware Group: Trojan RavMonE
    • Copyright Prevx Limited 2005, 2006

Other versions of TRZA.TMP

And this is part of Trojan.NetMon/DNSChange


So delve into it, and see what it is, FP for the first one, OK Eddy may be right there, but the other two were rightfully removed, I assume,

This was all the analysis I could give you, some may learn from it to be more discriminate in their evaluation of legit software versus malware,


Thanks for your comprehensive review.

I think I will un-install IBM Rapid Restore as it gobbled up half of my 40GB hard drive for its use.

I only hope that the un-install does not turn this system into an expensive paper weight.

The down side is that it probably will take the best part of a day to get back to how the system performs now.

By the way, there is a C:\Program Files\Xpoint\agent Folder where XPAGENT.EXE was removed from.

10/29/2008 13:11:07	SYSTEM	1672	Sign of "Win32:Trojan-gen {Other}" has been found in "C:\PROGRA~1\XPOINT\AGENT\XPAGENT.EXE" file.  

I un-installed it and now I have an un-allocated 20GB partition on my 40BG hard drive. ???

Looks like I need a Partition Manager to get the unused partition space back so I’m looking at Partition Manager 9.0 Personal but it is $39.95US and I’m broke right now.

I wish that I had downloaded it when it was offered for Free just a short while back.

Hi YoKenny,

This is really free, at least for home users, download link: http://www.partition-tool.com/download.htm
Checked the download link for you:
Checking: http://www.partition-tool.com/download.htm
Engine version: (Works also on Vista)
File size: 14.12 KB

http://www.partition-tool.com/download.htm - archive HTML

http://www.partition-tool.com/download.htm/Script.0 - Ok
http://www.partition-tool.com/download.htm/Script.1 - Ok
http://www.partition-tool.com/download.htm - Ok

Have fun,


P.S. Click picture of St Nicholas for animation, Dutch children’s festival at Dec. 5th

This is really free, at least for home users, download link: http://www.partition-tool.com/download.htm
Thank you very much.

40GB hard drive 37.2GB available 28.6GB Free Space