False Positive in 'Omega Torrent v2.0'

I have found false positive in ‘Omega_Torrent_v2.0.exe’ software.

Software Download Link:- http://uppit.com/v8y1yxkkrgl7/Omega_Torrent_v2.0_Full.zip

VirusTotal Report :-

Please fix on next update

You can send file to avast lab, using one of these options

You can upload files and report issues to avast here : http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php (select subject according to Your case)

You can use mail
send to virus@avast.com in a password protected zip file
mail subject: False Positive / undetected sample (select subject according to your case)
zip password: infected

or you can send files from avast chest
how to use the chest. http://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB21

Ok, report has been sent to avast lab using contact form.

thanks for help