False Positive (iroffer-dinoex-3.26-win32-cygwin-

Not sure why Avast is detecting a Trojan. Mind looking into this?

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Virus Total Reputation
Result: 4 /43 (9.3%)
Two of those results are Avast.

No idea how to copy the popup information, my apologies.

Please sumbit as false positive (Report false virus alert on website).



Yes, could well be a False Positive: http://wepawet.iseclab.org/view.php?hash=fb7a68ae76670a77803f7902660e3c22&t=1300552294&type=js
because they even warn about this being flagged by av on their website:

Iroffer is not a virus, trojan or backdoor. It is a file server like FTP. If you don't have installed this software yourself, but a scanner reports it on your harddisk, Iroffer has been installed by a malware after successful compromising your computer.
quote source link: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:SO7Qkv_Edi0J:iroffer.dinoex.de/wiki/1/export/special+malware+domain+iroffer.dinoex.de&cd=1&hl=nl&ct=clnk&gl=nl&source=www.google.nl
