False positive on Avast Mobile, Android:OpFake-FE found on game

Our game https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.gerwinsoftware.superbuzzer
is suddenly detected as a trojan Android:OpFake-FE.

We believe it is a false positive. Please confirm as it hurts business and reputation.
We have also noticed that other false positive show an anormaly high number of Adobe AIR based application, there may be a link.

Thanks for keeping us posted

Same bug for our games (adobe AIR based)

We receive lot of complaints too.
Avast Team : Fix that ! You trash our Business & Reputation !


Please use the search option on this webboard before posting.

We’re facing the same issues with all our games developed in Adobe Air which is a major issue as bad notation are growing up while installs are going down…

A user also reported a Android: spanning-EF [Trj] detection, but mostly we have OpFake-FE reports.

Could we have an ETA on the next fix update so we can communicate with our community ?