False Positive on IMVU chat program installation

Hi! Do anyone know why do Avast! give me false positive about downloading IMVU chat program? I checked it with that Virustotal page and it doesn’t find an virus and I have used IMVU since 2011. Only lately it has been marked as virus/malware etc. some reason. Anyone know why? Here is link to virustotal page checkup: https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/75bf5677f8a5a2e6912085c8dcb742a71d516dd1f677b4bb0bffe6acf45ded4b/detection

What does the message from avast say? … All info on it or post a screenshot

Witam Ney’wa,

Maybe it is because of this line in the code on the Russian download page for the software:

591: onClick=“window.open(‘https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/75bf5677f8a5a2e6912085c8dcb742a71d516dd1f677b4bb0bffe6acf45ded4b/analysis/’); return false;”> Искать файл на VirusTotal< /a>

Wait for an avast team member to give a final verdict , whether this is indeed a FP or not.
We are just volunteers with relevant knowledge, but avast team members are the only ones to come and unblock.
Someone may react here next week Monday,


polonus (volunteer 3rd party cold reconnaissance website security analyst and website error-hunter)