Avast just clamped down on the latest Chromium nightly build (attached). That can’t be right, can it?
I’m assuming you mean to visit that website?
Are you downloading a file? If so please include a broken (hxxp:xxx.cdnjwcn.c0m) link so I can check the file
Hello, I used to use google chromium on my other computer … I always went to http://www.chromium.org/getting-involved/download-chromium to get google chromium. The avast detection of that site it shows in the image you posted might be a correct detection.
Edit: I just noticed the not-so-easy steps link on the chromium.org site… Yep it looks like an Avast False Positive
Yes, sorry. I was downloading the zipped archive of the latest Chromium build from here:
I’m not home at the moment–can’t remember if it was the 250455 build…sometimes they update several times a day…
Another attempt to download the latest .zip today, but still being flagged by Avast:
A definition update this morning seems to have taken care of the problem. (Unless something changed in chrome.exe…)