false positive

  • avast! Report
  • This file is generated automatically
  • Task ‘Simple user interface’ used
  • Started on Saturday, February 28, 2004 2:49:34 PM
  • VPS: 0402-4, 02/28/2004

c:\WIN98SE\TEMP\JETF812.TMP [E] The process cannot access the file because (32)
c:\WIN98SE\TEMP\JETD81.TMP [E] The process cannot access the file because (32)
c:\WIN98SE\TEMP\JET9D1A.TMP [E] The process cannot access the file because (32)
c:\WIN98SE\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\javapi\v1.0\jar\count.jar-6f603a78-4a901267.zip\BlackBox.class [L] JS:ClassLoader-4 (0)
Infected files: 1
Total files: 4766
Total folders: 200
Total size: 457.5 M

  • Task stopped: Saturday, February 28, 2004 5:00:47 PM
  • Run-time was 2 hour(s), 11 minute(s), 13 second(s)

I already sent this file to virusataswDotcz…

any response?

Hi Mina,

a) if you sent the file in already, imho there’s no response (or post) needed
b) how did you determine exactly that this would be a false positive ? ???

this is a normal report. The java packages do contain the ClassLoaders…

how is that? ::slight_smile:
this is the 1st time that avast shows I am infected ???

you were not infected…
your Browser (IE?) just downloaded a malicious java-package into your java-Cache

this is a first because you were baaaad!! (I mean on a bad page) ;D ;D :wink:

empty java-cache and secure your IE better…


Stop using IE :stuck_out_tongue: Opera/Mozilla are the future :wink:

I see :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
is it possible that I get infected by visiting some sites that may have some ‘bad’ :-[ :-[ :-[ ads on it? (dll archives sites…etc)…

Correct,when you visit some “bad” page,nasty files download to browser cache and get executed. Usually Resident Shield blocks such activity.

how is that ??? ??? ???

Infected is not a right word here, I’d say.

There are ‘infected’ files stored on your disk is much more appropriate. To be infected usually means that the virus is active, which is not the case here (far from that actually)

thanx Vlk :slight_smile:
good job avast ;D

just for the info, only avast and antivir pe detected this trojan. 2 other big names missed it .

2 other big names missed it
was F-Secure one of those 2

no :wink: