False positives of AutoIt files

Well, the last VPS started bad with false positives (000730-0).
AutoIt files again :stuck_out_tongue: :cry:
Can’t this be avoided testing the VPS against AutoIt files? :frowning:

We do test it - but obviously, it doesn’t always cover everything. There’s a number of AutoIt versions…
What virus was reported this time?

Igor, it disappeared, probably with a new VPS update… I did not take not of the virus because I immediatly add the folder to the avast Exclusions… sorry.

Well, better always send the files to me in that case, I’ll add them to the test set.

I’ll send you an email with all my AutoIt executables… Thanks Igor.

Are the details not in the avast Log Viewer, Warning section ?

I’ve forgotten this… thanks David. :wink:

;D it is easy to forget when you are frustrated with a problem like an FP you can’t understand why ‘it keeps happening’