False Positives - Stop It From Going To Chest

I have a program that is trusted, but Avast keeps sticking it in the chest. I restore and try to run and it gets put back. I even tried making an exception in my settings … How on earth can I correct this issue. It is becoming quite annoying and I need to use my program. Thanks.

What is the program? (name, filename, location…)

Have you sent it to VirusTotal?

Have you reported it as a false Positive to avast?

If you haven’t, then this will keep happening.

For avast...

What version of avast are you using? (4,5,6…)

There are a couple of exclusion lists, for on-demand , and on-access scans. It sounds like you have added it to the in-demand, but not the on-access scans.

Check the File System Shield settings to find the other exclusion list.

I would however recommend checking the file as above first, just in case.


Also let us know:
What version of avast?
What vps version?