false positives

submitted tickets but no response from avast.

spent all weekend chasing these but they turned out to be false positives

for example: www.berkeleyplayhouse.org there is no html malware on this site,

when can you push an update out for all avast anti virus packages so we don’t get false positives.?

there is no html malware on this site,
hmmmm ....well seems not everyone agree with you ;)

Sucuri http://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/www.berkeleyplayhouse.org

detected by sucuricata and snort filter - urlQuery http://urlquery.net/report.php?id=150042

Zulu analyser http://zulu.zscaler.com/submission/show/493861741aee0a8b97c0d12006b18c58-1346218186

there is a redirect to this -http://lig-limp.com.br/