False warning - exclusions not working

8/22/2005 3:05:10 PM SYSTEM 204 Sign of “Win32:Trojan-gen. {VC}” has been found in “C:\Nimmer\wordluck\Uninstal.exe” file.
I am almost sure this is a false since it is my own homemade program “Nimmers Wheel of Fortune” which I installed with a “InstallMaker” install-file which I also made myself see http://www.nimmersoft.dk/downfiles/wheelinstall.exe .
So this uninstall file is popping up everytime I start the computer. I HAVE added it to the exclusion list, both as a path and as a file. It still pops up though. Why does the exclusion list not work? AND after after Avast has been sniffing at my unistall file it no longer works!! not good. How do I make the exclusion work and WHY does it keep giving this false one? and why does it alter my uninstall file even when I choose No Action?

What exactly did you put to the list of exclusions? (and what list of exclusions actually was it - there are two of them, one in program Settings for on-demand scanner and one in Standard Shield configuration for on-access protection).

Thanks very much for that tip. I had not seen that there were two lists. Now my uninstall file IS excluded. BUT I still think that it is strange that my uninstall file showed up as a virus. WHY? And what will people think who try to install my program and get this virus warning when the uninstall file is installed? It should be corrected? I have seen that I am not the only one with this problem and mostly it is some uninstall file that causes this. Can’t it be fixed??
But thanks again for the quick tip. AT least the warning has gone for now - for me!!

Don’t forget to check/scan it periodically with ashQuick.exe the right click scan as VPS updates should eventually resolve the FP. You can then remove the item from the exclusions.

This is due to a virus database problem. The virus signature needed to ‘identify’ the virus or malware has ‘same strings’ into your code.

Sure it should be corrected.
Can you send the file for analysis to virus (at) avast.com and paste a link to this thread in the message body?