False Warnings

No virus shows as usual my Avast having run a search. This at http://www.sigord.co.uk/TEMP/Sky.jpg only shows on the Sky site and when you click you are a customer. Any suggestions?


whas the virus name that avast is reporting in the file/site?

images/legit sites are being poisoned with malware lately…

As you can see from http://www.sigord.co.uk/TEMP/Sky.jpg it is not Avast creating the warning but a false warning from elsewhere, which does not show on any other site.

Is it sky.jpg that u say is being reported by avast as malicious?

can u provide the name of the malware avast is reporting?

what do u mean by false warning from some where else?

upload the file here:

Where does it state on http://www.sigord.co.uk/TEMP/Sky.jpg that Avast is reporting a virus?

It is NOT Avast claiming it is a virus or malware, so how can I give you the name of if as it does not show up on any Avast virus search. The only information I have is as shown on the JPG whiich I supect is all false. Why do we not leave it to the Avast experts here when they get time to notice this?

I PMed kubecj a while ago to look at this topic so he should see this soon :slight_smile:

@ Sigord
Can you be more specific, at what part of the sky.com site do you get this pop-up message ?

I think by hosting the pop-up image (screenshot you took and called sky.jpg) of the alert by the browser on your site has confused the heck out of true indian.

What browser are you using when you get this alert pop-up ?
I suspect IE as it is different to the firefox malicious sites (safe browsing) which is based on the google safe browsing checks (presumably in chrome also). So possibly the SmartScreen filter in IE8 and above.

What happens if you use a different browser and visit the same area in sky.com ?

I don't get that sky.com pop-up in either firefox or IE8 anywhere on the sky.com site from my limited browsing check. So we really need more information on this (non-avast issue). Given that this pop-up states that sky.com has been reported as unsafe, I would have expected the pop-up to occur when entering any part of sky.com, so there is something inconsistent in this all around.

I'm not a customer of sky so I can't really check that and not only that I can't find any you are a customer, button/link on the home page. I clicked the MySky and Sign in, but nada pop-up.


Site is been listed earlier as on a phishing, abused or misused IP. Scanning the link given at sucuri results in “Unable to properly scan your site. Site returning error (40x): HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found”
Did you update all of your Streamline software for bugs patches (open 10)?


hey…cant be infected…it is Norwegian ;D

urlQuery - suspicious

Wepawet…looks strange,to my eye

Jotti - HTML scan

This page seems to be 2 suspicious inline scripts found. > 1 hidden external link found.

What site ?

You are missing the point as this has nothing to do with the OPs site, but he gets the alert when he visits sky.com

I believe the mention of his own site (and storing a copy of the screenshot there) is a huge red herring and has just confused the whole issue.

Hi DavidR,

Realized that as well, well on sky dot com, I find this:
-fls.doubleclick.net/activityi;src=1580034;type=skyport;cat=skyco141;ord=1? suspicious
[suspicious:2] (ipaddr: (iframe) -fls.doubleclick.net/activityi;src=1580034;type=skyport;cat=skyco141;ord=1?
status: (referer=-www.sky.com/)saved 612 bytes d1e77de8a275f5c9c091fb204f51ee152c88115c
info: [img] -ad.doubleclick.net/activity;src=1580034;dcnet=4892;boom=51546;sz=1x1;ord=
info: [img] a-d.doubleclick.net/activity;src=1580034;dcnet=4892;boom=51546;sz=1x1;ord=1?
info: [decodingLevel=0] found JavaScript
info: Decoding option browser=Opera, 173 bytes
info: Decoding option navigator.systemLanguage=en and navigator.systemLanguage=zh-cn and browser=IE7/XP and browser=IE8/Vista and browser=Firefox, 171 bytes
info: [img] ad.doubleclick.net/activity;src=1580034;dcnet=4892;boom=51546;sz=1x1;ord=1687155771474491.2?
info: [decodingLevel=1] found JavaScript


Yes, but none of those would result/should in the alert being based on sky.com being reported as unsafe, but more likely the remote location.

It also doesn’t explain why if the alert pop-up is to be believed why it doesn’t across the board on sky.com, nor why I didn’t get an alert on either firefox or IE8.

So we really have to wait for more information from the OP before wasting any further time speculating what might be the cause.

Hi DavidR,

Agree with you there. Unless we know more, we are groping around in the dark, so to say,


Sorry for the delay in replying, I do not get notified of these posts. I am pleased to say the warning ceased to display after awhile yesterday. It occurred when I clicked Sky Products and then Sky customer. I assume then the warning was not generated by Avast, since Avast is not mentioned on http://www.sigord.co.uk/TEMP/Sky.jpg

As a couple of Avast scans of much of my drive showed no sign any Threats, I assume the Sky site managed to collect some hoax malware. Actually I remember seeing similar warnings on these two forums awhile ago, that cleared after awhile. But of course I did not risk continuing on the site at the time.



No problem.

The alert is browser based as I suggested (but you didn’t say what browser) and sometimes these can be old or outdated database information or just plain wrong.

Some can come from ad sites (ads poisoning), which the site you are visiting pulls in adverts. Though for me that would be wrong to list the primary site (sky.com) as unsafe, but the third party ad site. As in theory every page you visited at sky not just the single page should have thrown up the alert.

Thanks again for all your interest.

I am still using IE8 and Win XP.

I have bought a newer PC with 4 Gig RAM ready for WIN 7 when I am obliged to use it. But meanwhile I am happy with a second copy of XP I installed, as the supplier of the PC claimed MS woudl not allow him to sell me XP now.